Bendooley Estate
3020 Old Hume Highway
Berrima NSW 2577
If you wish to make a booking for the restaurant, please call 02 4868 8788 or use the booking tool below. For all other enquiries, please fill in our enquiry form.
Bookstore 9:00am – 5:00pm
Coffee & Cake from 10am
Lunch Mon – Thurs from 12pm
Friday – Sunday from 11:30am
Dinner in the Cellar Door Thursday, Friday & Saturday evenings from 6:00pm
*Please note that due to weddings and other events taking place in the Book Barn, our closing time may vary. When visiting the estate please feel free to contact us prior to your arrival to check the scheduled closing time.
THE STABLES: *Please note, the access driveway into The Stables is restricted to left-in only, therefore all guests must arrive from the south along the Old Hume Highway. Guests arriving from the north along the Hume Motorway should take the Berrima exit (Medway Rd exit,) then head north along the Old Hume Highway to The Stables.
To view a map of the location please click here.
Email Us:
Berkelouw Book Shop
Restaurant & Cellar Door
Private Parties & Corporate Functions
Enquire Now
If you haven’t heard back from us, please check your spam / junk folder as well. Alternatively you can contact us directly on with any enquiries you may have. Thanks!
Ben Dooley
Berrima NSW 2577,